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Darren Heinrich

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Richard Holmes - Onsaya Joy

Greg Hatza Quote
Anyone who claims to have mastered their instrument in one lifetime, has mastered nothing but the art of self-delusion.

James Carter Organ Trio - Out Of Nowhere

Don Patterson - Funk You

Odell Brown & The Organ-Izers - Ducky

Bruno Erminero Trio - Listen To My Soul

Lils Mackintosh

Details for song Georgia On My Mind

Title:Georgia On My Mind
Duration: 02:27
Band:Jimmy Smith »»
Album:Any Number Can Win »»

Other interpretations
Georgia On My Mind »» on album B-Loose »» by B-3 »»Georgia On My Mind »» on album Let's Stay Together »» by Jimmy McGriff »»Georgia On My Mind »» on album Check This Out »» by Jack McDuff »»
Georgia on My Mind »» on album Where Were You »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»Georgia On My Mind »» on album Blues For Brother Ray »» by Jim Rotondi »»
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