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Jimmy Smith - Six Views Of The Blues

Stanley Turrentine - Never Let Me Go

Papa John DeFrancesco - A Philadelphia Story

Vince Seneri - Street Talk

Mel Brown B-3 Organ Quartet - Live At The Britt Festival

Billy Larkin & The Delegates - Hold On!

Willis Jackson - Blue Gator

Details for album Back On The Track by Gene Ludwig

Band:Gene Ludwig »»
Rating: (1 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 In Walked Bud »»
2 Memphis Underground »»
3 For Lena And Lenny »»
4 River's Invitation »»
5 Back On The Track »»
6 Triste »»
7 The First String »»
8 At Last »»
9 Papa Gee »»
10 Birk's Works »»
Randy Caldwell »»Guitar
Randy Gelispie »»Drums
Tony Janflone Sr. »»Guitar
George Jones »»Percussion
Gene Ludwig »»Hammond B3
1 comments., write a comment

Big Ken S
Is this the Rockin' Randy Caldwell from Pittsburgh, from Langley HS/Shereden et al; right there in the city from say yon circa 1974 -78 etc on this track? If so, please tell Mr Rockin' Randy (Sir) to contact Mister Kenny S from Langley HS at the e-mail address registered with this account. Tell him man-oh-man... I STILL remember very vividly some jamming he did near Chartiers & Ditzler Street. He sang that day too. Mista Caldwell was THE BEST guitar player of my youth. Hit me up man.
If this is a different Randy Caldwell, then you picked a good name Sir, later

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