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Jimmy Smith - Plays Pretty Just For You

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Dennis Chambers

Dr. Lonnie Smit, Martien Oster and The Orginal Grooves - Dr. Lonnie Smit Meets Martien Oster and The Orginal Grooves

Rusty Bryant

Bruno Erminero - My Love

Crash with Dr. Lonnie Smith - The Doctor Is In

Hank Marr - Groovin' It

Details for song Turtle Walk

Title:Turtle Walk
Duration: Unknown
Band:Raphael Wressnig & Alex Schultz »»
Album:(Don't Be) Afraid To Groove »»

Other interpretations
Turtle Walk »» on album Hot Dog »» by Lou Donaldson »»
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