The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Charles Earland - Living Black!

Jimmy Smith - At The Organ, Volume 3

Big John Patton - The Way I Feel

Das Hakan Türközü Trio - El Poder Del Hammond

Jimmy McGriff Organ & Blues Band - A Thing To Come By

Alberto Marsico - Organ Logistics

Jan Kořínek

Details for album Better Late by The Steve Hall Quintet

Band:The Steve Hall Quintet »»
Rating: (1 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Better Late »»
2 Grindin' »»
3 Full House »»
4 Cornbread »»
5 Livin' The Blues »»
6 The Night Has A Thousand Eyes »»
7 Mambo Nuevo »»
8 Crisis »»
9 It All Starts With A Name »»
10 Lazy Bird »»
11 The Dean, Mr. Earl »»
Steve Hall »»Hammond
Cal Hudson »»Alt sax
Soprano sax
Tenor sax
Kenny Morse »»Drums
Patrick Nearing »»Trumpet
Peter Schwimmer »»Guitar
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