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Joey DeFrancesco - All Or Nothing At All

Pat Bianci - East Coast Roots

Houston Person - Goodness

Hank Crawford & Jimmy McGriff - Road Tested

Nancy Wright with the Tony Monaco Trio - Moanin'

Shirley Scott - The Soul Is Willing

Details for song Tenderly

Duration: Unknown
Band:Organissimo »»
Album:This Is The Place »»

Other interpretations
Tenderly »» on album Angel Eyes »» by Jimmy Smith »»Tenderly »» on album Blue Bop »» by LDB3 And Friends »»Tenderly »» on album Urban Paradise »» by Vince Seneri »»
Tenderly »» on album Stardust »» by Rhoda Scott »»Tenderly »» on album A New Sound, A New Star: Jimmy Smith at the Organ, Vol. 1 »» by Jimmy Smith »»Tenderly »» on album Groovin' It »» by Hank Marr »»
Tenderly »» on album Keystone »» by Dave Stryker Organ Quartet »»
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