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Jimmy McGriff - Skywalk

Jerry Weldon & Bobby Forrester - Five by Five

Jimmy Smith - Softly As A Summer Breeze

Peter Bernstein - Earth Tones

Joey DeFrancesco (l) & Jimmy Smith (r)

Jimmy Smith - A New Sound, A New Star: Jimmy Smith at the Organ, Vol. 2

Grant Green - Alive!

Details for album Vito Di Modugno Organ Trio Plus Guests by Vito Di Modugno Organ Trio

Band:Vito Di Modugno Organ Trio »»
Rating: (3 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Haitian Fight Song »»08:02
2 Ok The Theme Is Right »»05:30
3 If »»04:02
4 Delgado »»05:39
5 Got A Match »»04:46
6 Little Wing »»06:46
7 The Big »»04:31
8 Fungii Mama »»04:34
9 Senor Blues »»05:48
10 Triss »»04:53
11 La Zita Di Ceglie »»03:32
Michele Carrabba »»Tenor sax
Pietro Condorelli »»Guitar
Massimo Manzi »»Drums
Pino Di Modugno »»Accordion
Vito Di Modugno »»Hammond B3
Fender Rhodes
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