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Lils Mackintosh

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Larry Young - Of Love And Piece

Pappa John DeFrancesco - Walking Uptown

PLM trio - Stolen Moments

Jazz Rosco - Rosco's Place

Jimmy Smith - Plain Talk

Joey DeFrancecso - All Of Me

Details for song Flamingo

Duration: Unknown
Band:Vince Seneri »»
Album:Street Talk »»

Other interpretations
Flamingo »» on album That's the Way I Feel About It »» by Brother Jack McDuff »»Flamingo »» on album Blue Flames »» by Shirley Scott and Stanley Turrentine »»Flamingo »» on album Testifying »» by The Larry Young Trio »»
Flamingo »» on album The Sermon »» by Jimmy Smith »»Flamingo »» on album Five by Five »» by Jerry Weldon & Bobby Forrester »»Flamingo »» on album It's Never Too Late »» by B3Madness »»
Flamingo »» on album Outlook »» by Gary Chandler »»
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