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The Larry Goldings Trio - Moonbird

Jerry Begonzi - A Different Look

Lonnie Smith - Jungle Soul

Jerry Weldon & Bobby Forrester - Five by Five

Nieminen & Litmanen

Stan Hunter & Sonny Fortune - Trip On The Strip

Jimmy Smith - Groovin' At Smalls' Paradise

Details for song Peace

Duration: Unknown
Band:Najponk Pivec Hutchinson »»
Album:It's About Time »»

Other interpretations
Peace »» on album Afro Blue »» by Erminero, Collazzoni, Canzano »»Peace »» on album Finger Poppin' »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»Peace Lily »» on album Photograph »» by Organized Time »»
Peace Of Mind »» on album Live At Club Mozambique »» by Lonnie Smith »»Peace Train »» on album Wild Horses Rock Steady »» by Johnny "Hammond" Smith »»
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