The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Reuben Wilson - On Broadway

Byron Landham in restaurant Le Hollandais, Amsterdam

Bluesbastards - Who's Plumber

Jan Kořínek and Groove - Groovin' For Little V

Richard "Groove" Holmes - Living Soul

Jimmy Smith - At The Organ, Volume 2

Jimmy Smith - In A Plain Brown Wrapper

Details for album My Love by Bruno Erminero

Band:Bruno Erminero »»
Rating: (1 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Someday My Prince Will Come »»
2 Il Cielo In Una Stanza »»
3 Careless Whispers »»
4 E Poi »»
5 You Are The Sunshine Of My Life »»
6 Quando »»
Marco Collazzoni »»Tenor sax
Luca Colussi »»Drums
Flavio D'Avanzo »»Trumpet
Bruno Erminero »»Organ
Andrea Lombardini »»Electric bass
Lisa Maroni »»Vocals
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