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Maggy Scott - Talking To The World

Crash with Dr. Lonnie Smith - The Doctor Is In

Hank Crawford - Portrait

Lou Donaldson

Jimmy Smith - The Cat Strikes Again

Jimmy Mcgriff - Electric Funk

Jimmy Smith - It's Necessary

Details for album Go Red Go! by Red Holloway

Band:Red Holloway »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Love Walked In »»
2 I Like It Funky »»
3 Go Red Go »»
4 Deep Purple »»
5 St. Thomas »»
6 Stardust »»
7 Bags' Groove »»
8 Wave »»
9 Keep Your Hands Off Her »»
Chris Foreman »»Organ
George Freeman »»Guitar(tracks 2,9)
Red Holloway »»Alt sax
Tenor sax
Henry Johnson »»Guitar
Greg Rockingham »»Drums
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