The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Jimmy McGriff - McGriff's House Party

Lou Bennett - Blue Lou's Blues

Pedal Mania - Beef Dumplin' Stew

Jimmy Smith - House Party

Jimmy McGriff - Skywalk

Lou Donaldson - Caracas

Peter Bernstein - Earth Tones

Details for musician Ron Levy
InstrumentHammond B3, Organ, Electric Piano, Synthesizer, Hammond, Vibes, Acoustic piano, Piano
Bands played in
Ron Levy's Wild Kingdom

Finding My Way

Funky Fiesta

Green Eyed Soul

VooDoo Boogaloo
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"Tales of a Road Dog"
I invite you all to visit my website - and take a 'test drive' and check out some excerpts of my new web-book, "Tales of a Road Dog." It's an account of my experiences along with many great artists and people I've met, during my 40+ years of touring and recording. Think of it as a humorous yet historical account of a wonderful time in American music history from a 'behind the scenes' perspective, the 'real' lowdown.

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As a bonus, my newest album "Funky Fiesta!" is also included.

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