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Shirley Scott - Something

Charles Earland - Black Drops

T.C. Pfeiler - Herb Ellis Meets T.C. Pfeiler

Darren Heinrich Trio - New Vintage Tunes For The Hammond Organ

Lou Donaldson - Alligator Bogaloo

Charles Earland - Slammin' & Jammin'

Odell Brown & The Organ-Izers - Raising The Roof

Details for album Finding My Way by Ron Levy's Wild Kingdom

Band:Ron Levy's Wild Kingdom »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 I Try & I Try »»07:56
2 Best Cookies (In The Neighborhood) »»07:23
3 Steady Like Freddy »»08:16
4 The Wes Side »»05:52
5 Exfiled »»06:15
6 Cuch Cuch »»06:45
7 Some Sorta Blue »»07:02
8 Finding My Way »»05:29
9 Spangled Star Boogalooo »»04:14
Arkady Beletsky »»Cello(tracks 1)
Karl Denson »»Saxophone(tracks 2,4,5,7)
Flute(tracks 2,4,5,7)
Ron Levy »»Piano
Vibes(tracks 1,4,6)
Melvin Sparks »»Guitar(tracks 2,4-6)
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