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Barbara Dennerlein - Bebabaloo

Seleno Clarke

Gianni Giudici

Vito Di Modugno - Vito Di Modugno Organ Trio Plus Guest

The Greg Hatza ORGANization - The Greg Hatza Organization

Charles Earland - Mama Roots

Jimmy Smith - Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf

Details for album Green Eyed Soul by Ron Levy's Wild Kingdom

Band:Ron Levy's Wild Kingdom »»
Rating: (2 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Always Outnumbered »»
2 The Soulside »»
3 Like, Like Dope »»
4 Lovin' You Again »»
5 Green Eyed Soul »»
6 Silver Plated »»
7 Soulard Soul Stew »»
8 Yo Bro' Yossel »»
9 El Fuego de Lowell »»
Yahuba Garcia »»Percussion
Warren Grant »»Drums
Ron Levy »»Hammond
Jeff Lockhart »»Guitar
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