The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Eric van Heijzen Group - Easy, Still Blue

The Veldman Brothers - Home

Ondrej Pivec Organic Quartet - Don't Get Ideas

Linda Dachtyl - For Hep Cats

Jimmy McGriff - The Starting Five

Mike LeDonne - The Groover

Barbara Dennerlein - Hot Stuff

Details for musician Michael Honzak
Bands played in
Red Holloway & T.C. Pfeiler
T.C. Pfeiler
Wild Bill Davis & T.C. Pfeiler
Appears on

Day Dream

Herb Ellis Meets T.C. Pfeiler

T.C. Pfeiler Live At Club Art & Music

70th/30th Anniversary Live Concert
Related musicians
Herb Berger
Wild Bill Davis
Herb Ellis
Red Holloway
T.C. Pfeiler
Rudi Renger
Georg Thallmayer
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