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Jimmy Smith - It's Necessary

Jimmy Mcgriff - Electric Funk

Laurens Hammond

Jimmy Smith - The Cat Strikes Again

Ralph Lalama

Hank Crawford - Portrait

Advanced Warning - Hot House

Details for album Akilah! by Melvin Sparks

Band:Melvin Sparks »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Love The Life You Live »»
2 On The Up »»
3 All Wrapped Up »»
4 Akilah »»
5 Blues For J.B. »»
6 The Image Of Love »»
Buddy Caldwell »»Percussion
George Coleman »»Alt sax(tracks 4)
Sonny Fortune »»Alt sax(tracks 1,2,4,5)
Dave Hubbard »»Flute(tracks 6)
Tenor sax(tracks 3)
Hubert Laws »»Flute(tracks 6)
Idris Muhammad »»Drums
Ernie Royal »»Trumpet(tracks 4)
Melvin Sparks »»Guitar
Leon Spencer »»Organ
Frank Wess »»Tenor sax(tracks 1,2,4)
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