The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio - Manic Organic

George Kontrafouris - Little Daddy Blues

Grant Green - Live At The Lighthouse

Richard Holmes - A Bowl Of Soul

Don Patterson - Steady Comin' At Ya

Johnny "Hammond" Smith

Trio Beyond - Saudades

Details for musician Cornell Dupree
InstrumentGuitar, Conga
Bands played in
Brother Jack McDuff
Caesar Frazier
Gary Chandler
Appears on

A Change Is Gonna Come


Related musicians
Wilbur Bascomb
Robert Battle
Garnett Brown
Buddy Caldwell
Gary Chandler
George Coleman
Joe Dukes
Gordon Edwards
Caesar Frazier
Dick Griffin
Jack McDuff
Idris Muhammad
Bernard Purdie
Danny Turner
James Tyrrell
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