The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Ondrej Pivec Organic Quartet - Don't Get Ideas

The Larry Goldings Trio - Moonbird

T.C. Pfeiler - Live Grooves!

Jack McDuff - Check This Out

John Abercrombie - Tactics

Jerry Begonzi - A Different Look

Lonnie Smith - Live At Club Mozambique

Details for album Slammin' & Jammin' by Charles Earland

Band:Charles Earland »»
Rating: (4 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Honkey Tonk »»
2 Sugar »»
3 Mercy Mercy »»
4 When Johnny Comes Marching Home »»
5 Organyk Groove »»
6 Let The Music Play »»
7 Blues For Shiela »»
8 Mr. Magic »»
Charles Earland »»Hammond B3
Gary Fritz »»Percussion
Carlos Garnett »»Tenor sax
Bernard Purdie »»Drums
Eric Sealls »»Electric bass
Melvin Sparks »»Guitar
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