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Details for album Charles Earland by Charles Earland

Band:Charles Earland »»
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Virtually nothing is known about this album except that it was released on trip records. It's a live setting with a lot of sounds from the audience. We hear Charles on organ, a drummer, a guitarist and horns.
1 Freakin' Off, Pt.1 »»
2 Freakin' Off, Pt. 2 »»
3 Strangers In The Night »»
4 Fly Me To The Moon »»
5 One For Lee »»
6 Stormy Monday Blues »»
7 Days Of Wine And Roses »»
8 Getting To Know You »»
9 Yeah Sir »»
10 Milestones »»
Charles Earland »»Organ
1 comments., write a comment

charles earland trip records
certainly not his best....but it is stated correctly above...i can't find squat about this record.

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