Milt Buckner
 Ralph Lalama
 Hank Crawford - Portrait
 Jimmy Mcgriff - Electric Funk
 Rusty Bryant - Returns
 Jimmy Smith - The Cat Strikes Again
 Jimmy McGriff - Black Pearl
Details for album Organic Vibes by Joey DeFrancesco
Reviews- A review at All About Jazz »»
...Joey DeFrancesco knows soul-jazz organ grooves. And he seems to have studied their lessons well... - A review at blogcritics »»
- A review at jazzreview.com »»
...To bring Organic Vibes into an arena filled with smooth jazz non-essentials, DeFrancesco has proven artistic impressionism is alive and well. In addition, this CD not only showcases three original tracks, it also provides a perspective on Byron Landham and Bobby Hutcherson, both of whom are active participants on Organic Vibes... - Another review at jazzreview.com »»
...Joey DeFrancesco excels in this memorable CD collection. The group succeeds brilliantly with its solo and group playing, and every song has a special jazz motif that will intrigue the jazz listening audience with its great feeling of life!...
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