The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Larry Young - Young Blues

Vince Seneri - Street Talk

The Greg Hatza ORGANization - The Greg Hatza Organization

Ondrej Pivec - Overseason

Vito Di Modugno - Vito Di Modugno Organ Trio Plus Guest

Herbert Noord

Joey & Pappa John DeFrancesco - All In The Family

Details for musician Hubert Laws
InstrumentReeds, Flute, Tenor sax
Bands played in
Bill Mason
Jimmy Smith
Melvin Sparks
Appears on

Gettin' Off

Stay Loose

Related musicians
Pepper Adams
Garnett Brown
Buddy Caldwell
Gary Chandler
Jimmy Cleveland
Ron Coleman
Gordon Edwards
Joe Farrell
Eileen Gilbert
Dave Hubbard
Wilbert Longmire
Carl Lynch
Bill Mason
Melba Moorman
Idris Muhammad
Joe Newman
Johnny Pacheco
Alan Raph
Caline Ray
Jerome Richardson
Ernie Royal
Jimmy Smith
Melvin Sparks
Leon Spencer
Grady Tate
James Tyrrell
Snooky Young
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