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John Abercrombie - Speak Of The Devil

Sonny Phillips - Sure 'Nuff

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Jackie Davis - Jumpin' Jackie

Bobby Forrester - Organic Chemistry

Joey DeFrancesco - Goodfellas

Wil Blades

Larry Young - Of Love And Piece

Details for song Caravan

Duration: Unknown
Band:Hank Crawford & Jimmy McGriff »»
Album:Road Tested »»

Other interpretations
Caravan »» on album Say It Loud »» by Lou Donaldson »»Caravan »» on album Omnipotent »» by Lewinsky quartet »»Caravan »» on album The Incredible Jimmy Smith At Club Baby Grand, Volume 2 »» by Jimmy Smith »»
Caravan »» on album Bottom Groove »» by Wild Bill Moore Quintet »»
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