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Charles Earland - Kharma

Jimmy Smith quote
So when I came out that fuckin' warehouse, man, I was ready for anybody.

Idris Muhammad

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Jimmy Smith Trio - Live At The Village Gate

Grant Green Jr.

Jimmy Smith - A New Sound, A New Star: Jimmy Smith at the Organ, Vol. 2

Grant Green

Willis Jackson - Bar Wars

Details for song White Christmas

Title:White Christmas
Duration: Unknown
Band:Jimmy McGriff »»
Album:Christmas with Jimmy McGriff »»

Other interpretations
White Christmas »» on album Christmas '64 »» by Jimmy Smith »»White Christmas »» on album Christmas Jazz »» by Bruno Erminero »»White Christmas »» on album Merry Soul Christmas »» by George Conedy »»
White Christmas »» on album The Organ Plays At Christmas »» by Ken Griffin »»
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