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Grant Green

The Demagogue Reacts! - Kazzbah

Charles Earland - Funk Fantastique

Greg Skaff

Dr. Lonnie Smith

Freddie Roach - Good Move

Stanley Turrentine

Details for album '75 by Jimmy Smith

Band:Jimmy Smith »»
Rating: (3 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
bla bla
1 Organ Grinder's Swing »»02:45
2 It's Alright With Me »»04:36
3 For The Good Times »»04:35
4 Jazz Scattin' »»06:27
5 Got My Mojo Workin' »»03:42
6 Testifyin' »»03:55
7 More To Life (Than Living) »»02:54
8 St Thomas Calypso »»04:56
9 (That's The Time) I Feel Like Making Love »»04:47
10 Lookin' Ain't Gettin' »»04:28
Eddie Brown »»Conga(tracks 6,10)
Percussion(tracks 6,10)
Buck Clarke »»Conga(tracks 8,9)
Percussion(tracks 8,9)
Ray Crawford »»Guitar
Donald Dean »»Drums
Jimmy Smith »»Hammond B3
Stephanie Spruill »»Tambourine(tracks 6,10)
Triangle(tracks 6,10)
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