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Bob DeVos - Breaking The Ice

Rhoda Scott - Take Five

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Papa John DeFrancesco - A Philadelphia Story

Houston Person - Why Not!

Eric van Heijzen Group - Easy, Still Blue

Sam Yahel - In The Blink Of An Eye

Billy Larkin & The Delegates - Hold On!

Details for song Autumn Leaves

Title:Autumn Leaves
Duration: Unknown
Band:Seleno Clarke »»
Album:All In One Diversity »»

Other interpretations
Autumn Leaves »» on album The Authorized Bootleg »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»Autumn Leaves »» on album Lost River Jams »» by Jeremy Baum »»Autumn Leaves »» on album At The Organ, Volume 3 »» by Jimmy Smith »»
Autumn Leaves »» on album All The Way Live »» by Jimmy Smith & Eddie Harris »»Autumn Leaves »» on album The Excitement Of Trudy Pitts »» by Trudy Pitts »»
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