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Pete Levin - Certified Organic

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Lou Donaldson - Midnight Creeper

Rusell Malone quote
I’ve always felt that jazz is the way in which something is done. The material can come from anywhere — what makes it jazz is the way you approach it.

Raphael Wressnig & Alex Schultz - (Don't Be) Afraid To Groove

Ronnie Foster - Chesire Cat

Big John Patton - The Way I Feel

Das Hakan Türközü Trio - El Poder Del Hammond

Organissimo - This Is The Place

Details for song Autumn Leaves

Title:Autumn Leaves
Duration: Unknown
Band:Jeremy Baum »»
Album:Lost River Jams »»

Other interpretations
Autumn Leaves »» on album The Authorized Bootleg »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»Autumn Leaves »» on album At The Organ, Volume 3 »» by Jimmy Smith »»Autumn Leaves »» on album All The Way Live »» by Jimmy Smith & Eddie Harris »»
Autumn Leaves »» on album All In One Diversity »» by Seleno Clarke »»Autumn Leaves »» on album The Excitement Of Trudy Pitts »» by Trudy Pitts »»
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