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Colleen McNabb

Joey DeFrancecso - Live At The 5 Spot

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Jimmy Smith - Fourmost return

Sam Yahel - Trio

Lonnie Gasperini - North Beach Blues

John McLaughin - After The Rain

John Patton - Accent On The Blues

Details for song Invitation

Duration: 08:54
Band:Jake Langley »»
Album:Doug's Garage »»

Other interpretations
Invitation »» on album Overseason »» by Ondrej Pivec »»Invitation »» on album Trip On The Strip »» by Stan Hunter & Sonny Fortune »»Invitation »» on album o j t »» by Ken Lovern's Organ Jazz Trio »»
Invitation »» on album Dynasty »» by Stan Getz »»Invitation »» on album Goes Blue »» by Ximo Tébar »»
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