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George Benson

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Joe Ascione

We couldn't resist yet another way to express ourself. From now on we will submit fragments of our Hammond organ jazz oriented mind on Twitter.

Seleno Clarke - All In One Diversity by Seleno Clarke

Charles Earland - In The Pocket

Das Hakan Türközü Trio - e=mc3

Reuben Wilson - Boogaloo To The Beasty Boys

Sam Yahel - In The Blink Of An Eye

Details for song Amazing Grace

Title:Amazing Grace
Duration: Unknown
Band:Hank Marr »»
Album:It's 'Bout Time! »»

Other interpretations
Amazing Grace »» on album Lost River Jams »» by Jeremy Baum »»Amazing Grace »» on album Spiritual »» by Fabrizio Bosso, Alberto Marsico & Alessandro Minetto »»
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