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Joey DeFrancesco - Snapshot

Lou Donaldson - Caracas

Kevin Brady

T.C. Pfeiler - Live Grooves!

Stan Getz - Dynasty

Bruno Erminero - Christmas Jazz

Jerry Weldon

Details for song It's Your Thing

Title:It's Your Thing
Duration: Unknown
Band:Papa John DeFrancesco »»
Album:A Philadelphia Story »»

Other interpretations
It's Your Thing »» on album Hot Dog »» by Lou Donaldson »»It's Your Thing »» on album Alive! »» by Grant Green »»It's Your Thing »» on album Groovin' For Little V »» by Jan Kořínek and Groove »»
It's Your Thing »» on album (Don't Be) Afraid To Groove »» by Raphael Wressnig & Alex Schultz »»It's Your Thing »» on album Straight Up »» by Jimmy McGriff »»
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