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Richard 'Groove' Holmes - Groove's Groove

Lou Donaldson - Hot Dog

Hank Crawford & Jimmy McGriff - Road Tested

Big Organ Trio - Big Organ Trio

Jimmy Smith - The Sermon

Ray Vanderby Hammond Combo - Orange Not Blue

Jimmy McGriff - A Bag Full Of Blues

Details for song It's Your Thing

Title:It's Your Thing
Duration: Unknown
Band:Lou Donaldson »»
Album:Hot Dog »»

Other interpretations
It's Your Thing »» on album Alive! »» by Grant Green »»It's Your Thing »» on album Groovin' For Little V »» by Jan Kořínek and Groove »»It's Your Thing »» on album (Don't Be) Afraid To Groove »» by Raphael Wressnig & Alex Schultz »»
It's Your Thing »» on album Straight Up »» by Jimmy McGriff »»It's Your Thing »» on album A Philadelphia Story »» by Papa John DeFrancesco »»
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