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Mike Mangan

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Eddie 'Lockjaw' Davis - Streetlights

T.C. Pfeiler - Dynaflow

Charles Earland - Funk Fantastique

Jimmy McGriff - A Bag Full Off Soul

Charles Earland - Smokin'

Greg Skaff

Details for song One Mint Julep

Title:One Mint Julep
Duration: Unknown
Band:Jerry Weldon & Bobby Forrester »»
Album:The Second Time Around »»

Other interpretations
One Mint Julep »» on album For Hep Cats »» by Linda Dachtyl »»One Mint Julep »» on album Soul Survivors »» by Hank Crawford & Jimmy McGriff »»One Mint Julep »» on album Blues For Brother Ray »» by Jim Rotondi »»
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