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Johnny Hammond Smith - Breakout

Jimmy McGriff - Fly Dude

Laurens Hammond

Joe Dukes - The Soulful Drums

Jimmy Smith - The Incredible Jimmy Smith At Club Baby Grand, Volume 2

Sid Jacobs, Marco Collazzo, Bruno Erminero - An Evening With...

Rasmus Stenholm - For Those About To Roll

Details for song Killer Joe

Title:Killer Joe
Duration: 05:37
Band:Rene Sopa / Stefan Patry »»
Album:Hammondeon - L'été Indien »»

Other interpretations
Killer Joe »» on album Living Black! »» by Charles Earland »»Killer Joe »» on album Hot Stuff »» by Barbara Dennerlein »»Killer Joe »» on album Groovin' It »» by Hank Marr »»
Killer Joe »» on album Blues All Day Long »» by Groove Holmes »»Killer Joe »» on album Blue Lights »» by Billy Larkin & The Delegates »»
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