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The Hammond Jazz Inventory

Joey DeFrancesco - All Or Nothing At All

Album focus

Greg Hatza Quote
Anyone who claims to have mastered their instrument in one lifetime, has mastered nothing but the art of self-delusion.

Lonnie Smith Trio - Foxy Lady

Jimmy Smith quote
I copped my solos from horn players. I don't listen to keyboard players. I can't get what I want from keyboard players.

Jimmy Smith - Go For Whatcha Know

Vince Seneri quote
Joey has left the company.

Jimmy Smith - Got My Mojo Workin'

Charles Earland - Charles Earland

The most famous picture of Jimmy Smith ?

Jackie McLean

Jackie Davis - Jumpin' Jackie

Bobby Forrester - Organic Chemistry

Orghammograms improved

We are happy to announce that our famous orghammograms are improved and are now more tightly integrated as a browsing aid in The Hammond Jazz Inventory. To start, orghammograms are now more easily accessible from the starting profile section on every musician detail page. Orghammograms used to open in a new window thus separating you from the rest of The Hammond Jazz Inventory. Now they open in the same window and have a menu with command buttons above them that enable you to navigate through the site. It's very easy now to go to the musicians detail page from an orghammogram. See the picture.

A new menu

Also, if available, an orghammogram with another level of the same musician can be requested "in place". You can read more about more about orghammograns here or you might want to try a level 2 orghammograms for Tony Monaco and Larry Goldings or a level 1 orghammogram for George Benson to take a random pick. Remember that through the browse menu a thousands of orghammograms can be found.

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Hi Taeke !! A couple of years ago I wrote to you about putting the name, and works of the GREAT N.W. organist of the 60's, Dave Lewis on your website. You told me that you new of him, and would add him to your historical list once you found the time. WELL-- I still don.t find him there.???
Please tell me, and his family-- WHAT HAPPENED ??? Thanks Jeff

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