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Don Patterson - Donny Brook

Jimmy Smith - The Cat Strikes Again

Jimmy Smith - It's Necessary

Maggy Scott - Talking To The World

Jimmy Mcgriff - Electric Funk

Richard "Groove" Holmes - That Healin' Feelin'

Hank Crawford - Portrait

Details for album It Is What It Is by Melvin Sparks

Band:Melvin Sparks »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 It Is What It Is »»05:37
2 Thank You »»07:06
3 Charlie Brown »»05:43
4 A Love Jam »»03:18
5 Clinton Park »»06:16
6 Guitar Playah »»07:29
7 Got The Blues? »»04:13
8 Pick Up The Pieces »»05:42
9 Give Me The Night »»05:34
Jeremy Baum »»Organ(tracks 2-4,6-9)
Cochemea Gastelum »»Saxophone(tracks 3)
Joe Herbek »»Saxophone(tracks 1,2,4-9)
Eric Kalb »»Drums
Adam Scone »»Organ(tracks 1,5)
Melvin Sparks »»Guitar
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