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Shirley Scott - Superstition

Jimmy Mcgriff - Electric Funk

Jimmy Smith - It's Necessary

Swingmatism - Live Update

Grant Green - Blues For Lou

Lonnie Smith - Move Your Hand

T.C. Pfeiler

Details for album Tailgunner by Jimmy McGriff

Band:Jimmy McGriff »»
Rating: (2 votes)
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This is one of the albums from Jimmy McGriff of which one might question whether it belongs in The Hammond Jazz Inventory. First because the personnel listing is far from complete. Second, more important, it contains almost straight disco music's from McGriffs disco period. We added it nevertheless because it concerns quality disco in this case and contains very nice pieces of organ. Listen to the samples to decide for yourself and please, help us getting the information complete.
1 Tailgunner »»
2 Bull Frog »»
3 Shy Hawk »»
4 Flexible Flyer »»
5 Grandma's Toe Jam »»
6 Starlite Ballroom, Hot Licks Stomp Band »»
Will Lee »»Bass
Jimmy McGriff »»Hammond B3
Jimmy Ponder »»Guitar
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