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Rhoda Scott - Stardust

Reuben Wilson - A Groovy Situation

Bob DeVos - Shifting Sands

Rhoda Scott - Feelin' The Groove

Jimmy Smith - Damn!

Jimmy Smith & Wes Montgomery - Further Adventures Of Jimmy And Wes

Dr. Lonnie Smith

Details for album Let 'em Roll by Big John Patton

Band:Big John Patton »»
Rating: (4 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Let 'Em Roll »»06:40
2 Latona »»07:20
3 The Shadow Of Your Smile »»06:50
4 The Turnaround »»06:45
5 Jakey »»05:30
6 One Step Ahead »»06:50
Otis Finch »»Drums
Grant Green »»Guitar
Bobby Hutcherson »»Vibes
John Patton »»Hammond B3
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