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Elvis Sergo

Stanley Turrentine - Hustlin'

Nancy Wright with the Tony Monaco Trio - Moanin'

Hank Crawford & Jimmy McGriff - On The Blue Side

Kresten Osgoood - Hammond Rens

Advanced Warning - Regroovable

Hank Crawford & Jimmy McGriff - Road Tested

Details for album Have You heard by Johnny Smith

Band:Johnny Smith »»
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This is Johnny Smits' first album. If you can help us with information about the other musicians on the album, please leave a message on our contact page or write a comment on this page. Thank's.
1 Imagination »»
2 Shalimar »»
3 On The Street Where You Live »»
4 Flip Top »»
5 Deep Purple »»
6 Lamberts Lodge »»
7 Over The Rainbow »»
8 Ecstacy »»
Johnny 'Hammond' Smith »»Organ
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