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Lonnie Smith - Jungle Soul

Reuben Wilson - Fun House

Joey DeFrancesco - Finger Poppin'

Jimmy Smith - Standards

Jimmy McGriff - The Worm

Stan Hunter & Sonny Fortune - Trip On The Strip

Wil Blades

Details for album Hammond Rens by Kresten Osgoood

Band:Kresten Osgoood »»
Rating: (3 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Collins »»11:38
2 The Wolrd Awakes »»12:14
3 The Makings Of You »»07:51
4 Three For Dizzy »»24:15
5 London Pride »»20:47
6 Jens Bloch & Rahsaan take a break from the choir »»00:59
7 I'm Black »»14:00
8 Chop Suey »»16:17
9 The Beat Up Blues »»10:14
10 Baby Let Me Take You (In My Arms) »»17:20
11 Like Lonnie »»21:24
Michael Blake »»Soprano sax
Tenor sax
Kresten Osgood »»Drums
Anders Provis »»Percussion
Lonnie Smith »»Hammond B3
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