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Lonnie Smith - Jungle Soul

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Details for song Trouble

Duration: 05:57
Band:Stanley Turrentine »»
Album:Never Let Me Go »»

Other interpretations
Trouble #2 »» on album Hustlin' »» by Stanley Turrentine »»Trouble In Mind »» on album Bucket! »» by Jimmy Smith »»Trouble In Mind »» on album Groovin' For Little V »» by Jan Kořínek and Groove »»
Trouble In Mind »» on album Hobo Flats »» by Jimmy Smith »»Trouble In Mind »» on album Sweetback »» by Ivan Joe Jones »»Trouble Man »» on album Jungle Soul »» by Lonnie Smith »»
Trouble Man »» on album Organ Donor »» by Reuben Wilson »»Trouble Shootin' »» on album Trouble Shootin' »» by Stefano di Battista »»
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