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Dr. Lonnie Smit, Martien Oster and The Orginal Grooves - Dr. Lonnie Smit Meets Martien Oster and The Orginal Grooves

T.C. Pfeiler quote
Never ask me "Me or the console?".

Jan Kořínek and Groove - Groovin' For Little V

Rusty Bryant

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Rhoda Scott - Live At The Olympia

Details for song Satin Doll

Title:Satin Doll
Duration: 07:01
Band:Jimmy Smith »»
Album:Organ Grinder Swing »»

Other interpretations
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Satin Doll »» on album Action/Reaction »» by The Demagogue Reacts! »»Satin Doll »» on album I've Got A Woman »» by Jimmy McGriff »»Satin Doll »» on album Rhoda Scott + Kenny Clarke »» by Rhoda Scott + Kenny Clarke »»
Satin Doll »» on album A Bucketful Of Soul »» by Trudy Pitts »»
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