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Raphael Wressnig - True Blue

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T.C. Pfeiler - Dynaflow

Dennis Orsel

Seleno Clarke - All In One Diversity by Seleno Clarke

Pippo Guarnera - Spinnin' The Blues

Eddie 'Lockjaw' Davis - Streetlights

Richard 'Groove' Holmes - Soul Message

Details for song Invitation

Duration: Unknown
Band:Stan Hunter & Sonny Fortune »»
Album:Trip On The Strip »»

Other interpretations
Invitation »» on album Overseason »» by Ondrej Pivec »»Invitation »» on album o j t »» by Ken Lovern's Organ Jazz Trio »»Invitation »» on album Doug's Garage »» by Jake Langley »»
Invitation »» on album Dynasty »» by Stan Getz »»Invitation »» on album Goes Blue »» by Ximo Tébar »»
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