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Charles Earland - Mama Roots

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Billy Larkin & The Delegates - Dr. Feelgood

Jimmy McGriff quote
Music is like a wheel, When you drive a car down a street, you might go down the same street, but you'll run over something today that wasn't there yesterday, so that puts a new look on that tire, and that's the way music is. When it goes over, it picks up something that wasn't there before.

Vince Seneri - Street Talk

Hank Marr - It's 'Bout Time!

Lou Donaldson - Alligator Bogaloo

Jack McDuff - The Honeydripper

The Greg Hatza ORGANization - The Greg Hatza Organization

Details for song Blues For Lou

Title:Blues For Lou
Duration: Unknown
Band:Grant Green »»
Album:Blues For Lou »»

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