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Vito Di Modugno - Vito Di Modugno Organ Trio Plus Guest

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Rhoda Scott - Alone

Greg Hatza Quote
Anyone who claims to have mastered their instrument in one lifetime, has mastered nothing but the art of self-delusion.

Laurens Hammond

The Steve Hall Quintet - The Steve Hall Quintet

Reuben Wilson - Organ Donor

Ben Waghorn

Bruno Erminero

Details for song It Ain't Necessary

Title:It Ain't Necessary
Duration: 10:13
Band:Dr. Lonnie Smith, Martien Oster and the Orginal Grooves »»
Album:Dr. Lonnie Smith Meets Martien Oster and the Orginal Grooves »»

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