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The Jimmy McGriff and Hank Crawford Quartet - Right Turn On Blue

Gene Harris And Jack McDuff - Down Home Blues

Joey DeFrancecso - Live At The 5 Spot

Jimmy Smith - Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf

B-Trio Plus! - Side Seeing

John McLaughin - After The Rain

Dr. Lonnie Smith - Spiral

Details for song Speak Low

Title:Speak Low
Duration: Unknown
Band:Grant Green »»
Album:I Want To Hold Your Hand »»

Other interpretations
Speak Low »» on album Organic Vibes »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»Speak Low »» on album The Groover »» by Richard "Groove" Holmes »»Speak Low »» on album Live Grooves! »» by T.C. Pfeiler »»
Speak Low »» on album New Thing »» by Lloyd Wallace Trio »»Speak Low »» on album Rhoda Scott + Kenny Clarke »» by Rhoda Scott + Kenny Clarke »»
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