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Big John Patton - Let 'Em Roll

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Lonnie Smith - Jungle Soul

Jimmy Smith - Groovin' At Smalls' Paradise

Jimmy McGriff - A Bag Full Of Blues

Pedal Mania - Beef Dumplin' Stew

Stan Hunter & Sonny Fortune - Trip On The Strip

Details for song Let's Stay Together

Title:Let's Stay Together
Duration: Unknown
Band:Bill Mason »»
Album:Gettin' Off »»

Other interpretations
Let's Stay Together »» on album Let's Stay Together »» by Jimmy McGriff »»Let's Stay Together »» on album (Don't Be) Afraid To Groove »» by Raphael Wressnig & Alex Schultz »»Let's Stay Together »» on album Skywalk »» by Jimmy McGriff »»
Let's Stay Together »» on album Root Down »» by Jimmy Smith »»Let's Stay Together »» on album Alexander The Great »» by Eric Alexander »»
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