The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Lou Donaldson - Mr. Ching A Ling

Dennis Orsel

Grant Green - Grantstand

LDB3 And Friends - Blue Bop

Jimmy Smith - Bluesmith

Jimmy McGriff - Christmas With Jimmy McGriff

Richard "Groove" Holmes - Living Soul

Details for musician Bob Ashton
InstrumentBariton sax, Clarinet, Flute, Tenor sax
Bands played in
Jimmy McGriff
Jimmy Smith & Wes Montgomery
Appears on

The Worm    

Jimmy & Wes The Dynamic Duo
Related musicians
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Jimmy Maxwell
Jimmy McGriff
Blue Mitchell
Wes Montgomery
Joe Newman
Jerome Richardson
Ernie Royal
Thornel Schwartz
Jimmy Smith
Tony Studd
Grady Tate
Clark Terry
Arthur James Fats Theus
Danny Turner
Phil Woods
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