The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Hank Marr

Lou Bennett - Pentacostal Feeling

Red Holloway & T.C. Pfeiler - Day Dream

Mel Rhyne - Organ-izing

Organissimo - Waiting For The Boogaloo Sisters

Marco Collazzoni & Luca Bonifazi Quartet - De Luxe

Jazz Organ - The Sampson Horton Trio

Details for musician Dave Lewis
InstrumentTenor sax
Bands played in
Ed Bentley's - Blue Note Quartet
Appears on

'BOLLA' Keyboard Blues
Related musicians
Ed Bentley
Francis Fuster
Louise Markham
Jim Mullen
John Piper
1 comments., write a comment

HI !!! I have emailed you before about the Great Northwests legendary organists of the sixties, Dave Lewis. Since then(about two years ago--Nothing. You got the wrong Dave Lewis. Not the drummer, or the saxaphonist. Dave was the very first artist, other than Herb Albert, on the A&M record label, and had a national hit "LITTLE GREEN THING".Please try to get the historical record, and the artist history correct!! Thank You----Jeff

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