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Matthieu Marthouret Organ Quartet - Upbeats

Advanced Warning - Hot House

Jimmy Smith - Dot Com Blues

Jerry Bergonzi - Wiggy

Laurens Hammond

Larry Young - Into Somethin'

Bruno Erminero

Details for album Sneak Preview by Leon Spencer

Band:Leon Spencer »»
Recorded:7 Dec 1970
Rating: (1 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 The Slide »»06:01
2 Someday My Prince Will Come »»06:30
3 Message From The Meters »»06:40
4 First Gravy »»03:55
5 5-10-15-20 »»04:25
6 Sneak Preview »»08:00
Buddy Caldwell »»Conga
Virgil Jones »»Trumpet
Idris Muhammad »»Drums
Melvin Sparks »»Guitar
Leon Spencer »»Organ
Grover Washington »»Tenor sax
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