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Details for album Blue Breakbeats by Reuben Wilson

Band:Reuben Wilson »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
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This album is a compilation of tracks that where previously released on "Love Bug", "On Broadway" and "Blue Mode".
1 Hot Rod »»
2 Orange Peel »»
3 Ronnie's Bonnie »»
4 Love Bug »»
5 Bus Ride »»
6 Blue Mode »»
George Coleman »»Alt sax(tracks 1,4)
Tommy Derrick »»Drums(tracks 2,3,5,6)
Grant Green »»Guitar(tracks 1,4)
Trevor Lawrence »»Tenor sax(tracks 3)
John Manning »»Tenor sax(tracks 2,5,6)
Lee Morgan »»Trumpet(tracks 1,4)
Idris Muhammad »»Drums(tracks 1,4)
Malcolm Riddick »»Guitar(tracks 3)
Melvin Sparks »»Guitar(tracks 2,5,6)
Reuben Wilson »»Hammond B3
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