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Wayne Horvitz

Grant Green - I Want To Hold Your Hand

Lonnie Smith - Drives

Rusty Bryant - Soul Liberation

Jimmy Smith Trio - The Master II

Reuben Wilson

Jimmy Smith - Bashin'

Details for album Afro-Disiac by Charles Kynard

Band:Charles Kynard »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Afro-Disiac »»04:52
2 Bella Donna »»05:03
3 Trippin' »»09:00
4 Odds On »»07:07
5 Sweetheart »»07:52
6 Chanson Du Nuit »»05:05
Grant Green »»Guitar
Charles Elliot Kynard »»Organ
Jimmy Lewis »»Bass
Houston Person »»Tenor sax
Bernard Purdie »»Drums
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