The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Ralph Bowen - Soul Proprietor

Jimmy Smith - The Sounds Of Jimmy Smith

Larry Goldings - Whatever It Takes

Crash with Dr. Lonnie Smith - The Doctor Is In

Lou Donaldson

Rasmus Stenholm - For Those About To Roll

Grant Green - Talkin' About

Details for album Introducing Bobby Pierce by Bobby Pierce

Band:Bobby Pierce »»
Rating: (2 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Think »»
2 Here, There, And Everywhere »»
3 I Remember Ray »»
4 Mr. P.C. »»
5 Wichita Lineman »»
6 To Newport With Love »»
Roy Brooks »»Drums
Bob Cranshaw »»Bass
Bobby Jones »»Tenor sax
Pat Martino »»Guitar
Bobby Pierce »»Organ
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